In today’s digital era, getting instant loans online has become quite a convenient and suitable approach for most individuals. Not only is this a quick approach but is also hassle free for all those who are seeking quick financial solutions. Be it a financial emergency, an investment or any personal expense, these instant quick loans are transforming the finance world. 

One of the most common approaches for these instant loans online is based on the credit score of the individual. This credit score allows the lenders to evaluate and form a decision for disbursement of the loan amount. Although grasping the entire knowledge of how and why credit score affects the approval of instant loan online is an essential step, it often becomes overwhelming. 

Here in this blog we are going to discuss in detail about the impact and importance of credit score in obtaining an instant loan online. 

Understanding Credit Score

Before we move on to learning the impact of credit score on loan approval, let’s have a look at what a credit score is. 

A credit score as the name suggests is a score or a numerical representation of your credit worth, it reflects your credit history and other financial behavior such as borrowing money, repayment habits, and debt management. This score is applicable as it allows the lenders to understand your financial situation and also provides an understanding of your repayment capability. This works as a source of credibility for the lenders before approving the loan amount. 

For a better understanding: if you have a credit score in the range of 300-579 it is considered as poor. With 580-669 it is considered fair, 670-739 is good, 740-799 is very good, whereas with a credit score of 800-850 is exceptional. 

Why is Credit Score Important?

When an individual is applying for an instant loan online, the lenders assess the application and the applicant’s credit score. This assessment is to associate and evaluate the financial risks associated with the particular individual. These financial risks are assessed based on the credit score and the financial history it represents. 

Higher the credit score, lower is the financial risk associated with the individual and it goes without saying, higher the chances of getting loan approval. Furthermore, with a lower credit score there is always a higher percentage of financial risk associated and can become a hurdle in the process of getting a loan approval. 

For instance a person with a credit score of 350 applies for a loan might not be preferred as it shows the credit history of the individual is not good. A credit score of 350 falls under the poor category; it implies that there are financial risks such as- untimely repayment with the individual. 

Whereas a person with a credit score of 750 or 650, are likely to get higher preference in loan approval as it depicts they have good credit history with timely repayments and other factors. 

The key point to note here is that a lower credit score is not always a guarantee of a financial risk or lower credibility. Instead a low credit score can be due to various factors and the overall credit score can be influenced by various factors. Hence, it is important to keep a check on the credit score all the time, by ensuring repayments are on time, and there are no missed deadlines. 

Impact of Credit Score in Instant Loan Online

Now that we have understood the basics and role of credit score in the approval process of instant loan online. Here are a few points that get impacted due to credit score. 

  • Interest Rate 

First and foremost the interest rate of your loan amount gets impacted due to your credit score. If you have a high credit score you are likely to get a lower interest rate for the loan amount. The reason being, high credit score depicts timely repayments, lower financial risk, no missed payments and deadlines. Hence, it allows the lenders to have more faith and trust in you, which further helps to get a lower interest rate. 

  • Loan Amount 

With a higher credit score the chances of you getting a higher loan amount approval also increases. Since a higher credit score helps to build a positive financial reputation. This further helps you to get a higher loan amount approval. 

  • Loan Terms

With a higher credit score you can get simpler and easier loan terms as well. It includes repayment fee, repayment period and other factors. A higher credit score is always beneficial in such situations and helps you to have a relaxation in your terms. 

  • Approval Speed

A higher credit score comes with a lot of positive appeal in the loan application. This further helps you to get a priority or faster approval speed for your instant loan online application. It also enhances your overall experience of your loan application process. Whereas with lower credit score there might be an additional scrutiny or documentation requirement to ensure a safe and secure loan approval. 

Moving forward now that we have discussed the basics and the factors influencing the instant loan online application with credit score. Let’s have a look at some of the proven strategies that you can apply if you have a lower credit score and enhance your overall credit score. 

  • Timely Repayments 

One thing that we have learnt so far is that timely repayment of your bills and loan amounts helps you build a better credit score. Hence, if there are any outstanding payments or bills, then repaying without missing the deadline is one of the best ways to increase and strengthen your credit score. 

  • Reduced Debt Levels

Another point of consideration is to lower the credit card balance and pay all your outstanding debts on time. This will also help in contributing towards a higher and improved credit score for you. 

  • Credit Report Monitoring 

Keeping a constant check on your credit report helps you have a better understanding of the overall credit score. This also offers you an insight and opportunity to understand better about your credit inaccuracies and discrepancies. 

  • Limiting New Credit Applications 

Another point here is that multiple credit inquiries in a short span of time can have a negative impact on your credit score. Hence you are advised to limit your credit applications to a limited number. 

Concluding Points

With the above discussion it is evident that having a good credit score can help you get an instant loan online with better interest rates, terms, and even higher loan amount. Furthermore, you can also get short term personal instant loan online with Fatakpay and avail the benefits 


1. How does my credit score affect my eligibility for instant online loans?

Your credit score impacts your instant loan online in multiple ways: higher credit score offers increased chances of loan approval, low credit score leads to delay in loan approval.  

2. Can I get an instant online loan with a bad credit score?

It often becomes difficult to get instant loan online with a low credit score. However, with various brands that are available in the market to offer easy and quick personal loan you can avail a small amount of personal loan starting with a minimal amount of five thousand, one such brand is FatakPay.  

3. How can I improve my credit score to increase my chances of loan approval?

Timely repayments of all the bills and reduced debts can help you build a better credit score which further increases the chances of instant loan approval. 

4. Can I check my credit score for free before applying for a loan?

Yes, you can check your credit score for free before applying for a loan. 

5. What other factors do lenders consider besides my credit score when approving an instant loan?

Credit score, repayment history, purpose of loan, financial history are some of the factors considered when approving the instant loan.

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